Thanks to all of you for your comments on our blog, emails, voicemails, text messages, and positive vibes from around the world! Another amazing adventure!
Kim & Topher
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Thanks to all of you for your comments on our blog, emails, voicemails, text messages, and positive vibes from around the world! Another amazing adventure!
Kim & Topher
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More later,
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I am getting tired just following now. It is 3 in the morning.
Going for a coffee.
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Off to 84lkm.
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All is well,
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There are 80 competitors. A few strong guys so it will be tight at the top.
I will send updates as I see topher. I will write the distance in kilometres and you can calculate into miles.
I am with our new friend george who is helping be navigate along the way. He is greek so that will be very helpful with the language and communication.
Should be a fun day.
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The layout of the route of the Race was based on knowledge of the most significant archaeological and historical evidence along the whole of its length, the beauty of the Peloponnese and the authenticity and hospitality of the villages which welcome the athletes as they pass through.
The route runs for 100 km along country roads with asphalt and 80 km of dirt tracks. The elevation differences total 3 800 meters.
Kim & Topher
This is the final longer run before greece. The weather will not be like today - wet, rain and 56 degrees. Greece probably will be humid, sticky hot with temps in the high 70's.
Better go home to make topher a nice hot pasta to eat when he gets home.
Enjoying the rain,
Kim and topher
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The turnaround is at the bottom of a canyon. We fueled him up with a sandwich, chips, gu, and refilled his bottles, and he started back up the hill with 26 miles to go.
He still looks strong, but says, "This is where the race really starts.."
Note: Dave Mackey, the leader is on course record pace.
Kim and Crew
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The first few runners were here in about 2:40. Topher was about 8 minutes behind the leaders.
First woman Kami came through about 5 minutes after Topher at 2:53.
From here they run a beautiful single track coastal trail among the green hillsides with amazing views of the Pacific ocean.
Next we will meet Toph at the turnaround at mile 35.6.
Kim and Crew
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Kami is on a fast pace with Bev Abbs on her shoulder.
Toph is cruising right along - 1:28 to here. He is doing fine. A few more chocolate gus and a half of pb+j to keep him going.
It is a fun race environment with lots of smiles coming into the aid station.
We are off to pantoll - mile 21.7
The crew is going for coffee now.
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All the big guys are here - jurek, koerner, skaden and the list goes on. Should be a very fast and competitive race.
Toph was right out front across the beach. Now the hills...
Next update from 12 miles in.
Travis, Peter, Randy and I are off to the aid station. Always a fun day for the crew. Fun to have family here supporting.
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